The good and bad about School Loan Consolidation - Headlines on School Loan Consolidation

Friday, May 25, 2007

More information on School Loan Consolidation


Countrywide Home Loans Offers Mortgage Refinancing Tips To Homeowners

Countrywide Home Loans is offering mortgage refinancing insights to homeowners about how and when they may best capitalize on refinancing their existing mortgage, promoting informed decisions among borrowers. As the refi boom in recent years has illustrated, many homeowners recognized the benefits of refinancing when interest rates decreased–but it may be well worthwhile for them to consider refinancing in any market as a way to leverage their mortgage as a strong financial management tool.

Countrywide Home Loans is offering mortgage refinancing insights to homeowners about how and when they may best capitalize on refinancing their existing mortgage, promoting informed decisions among borrowers. As the refi boom in recent years has illustrated, many homeowners recognized the benefits of refinancing when interest rates decreased–but it may be well worthwhile for them to consider refinancing in any market as a way to leverage their mortgage as a strong financial management tool.

Beacon introduces affordability calculator

Beacons affordability lending model uses a calculation that assesses an applicants expected net income, living costs, and existing loans, to determine an affordable mortgage repayment amount.

Clive Willson, head of sales at Beacon, says: Our move to affordability lending is an extremely positive one, and will allow us to offer realistic loan amounts that are in context with applicants monthly outgoings.

In a market where the ratio between house prices and salary levels are stretched to say the least, affordability lending can often enable those who are able to meet given monthly repayment costs the extra lending flexibility they need. At the same time the model prevents those who are already financially committed from over stretching themselves.

At Beacon we believe whole-heartedly in responsible lending and this model ensures that borrowers will only commit to a level of debt they can easily service


Loan Consolidation

Phizackerley ruling will effect all trusts making loans to beneficiaries (Money Marketing Online)

Fri, 25 May 2007 09:39:43 GMT
The recent high profile Phizackerley ruling on inheritance tax and will trusts has far-reaching implications for all trusts making loans to beneficiaries, warns Skandia.

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