The good and bad about School Loan Consolidation - Headlines on School Loan Consolidation

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Great School Loan Consolidation Resource.

Why Should You Consider a Bi-Weekly Mortgage?

LoanSpread Financial Calculator Compares 135 Loans at Once

Ruston, LA - April 2, 2006 - Wheatworks Software announces the release of LoanSpread 4.6, a Windows-based financial calculator for consumers and business professionals. One of Wheatworks' most popular calculators, LoanSpread makes it easy for users to simultaneously compare 135 different loans. LoanSpread displays the results of these loan comparisons on an answer grid that is easily configured with flexible ranges. With LoanSpread's Loan Summary feature users can drill down into the details of any of the 135 loans being compared by simply double-clicking on the loan in the answer grid. The Loan Summary window then appears with the following details about the selected loan: the amount borrowed, payment frequency, term, annual interest rate, payment (PI), payment (PITI), total principal paid, total interest paid, total principal and interest paid, total taxes paid, total insurance paid, total taxes and insurance, and total paid over the term (PITI) Designed for consumers and professionals in the financial services industry, LoanSpread is a powerful loan calculator that shows the time value of money in a comprehensive manner.

Atty. general asks alumni groups for loan consolidation details

COLUMBUS (AP) - Attorney General Marc Dann has written to the alumni associations of all Ohio colleges and universities seeking information on any agreements they may have with companies that specialize in consolidating student loans.

Dann said Tuesday he sent the letters after learning that Miami University's alumni association had an agreement with NelNet, a Nebraska-based lender, that allowed the company to use the alumni association's trademark in marketing its consolidation services to Miami graduates.


Finance News

Preying on minorities: State assemblywoman's bill would require translation of key information in real estate loans (North County Times)

Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:47:30 GMT
NORTH COUNTY ---- A bill that's working its way through the state Legislature would require lenders who verbally negotiate real estate loans in Spanish and several other languages to provide those borrowers with a summarized version of the loan terms in their native languages.

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